Friday, February 23, 2007


A Matter of Survival

Like it or not, the political season is beginning. There are many announced and unannounced candidates for President of the USA and people are already saying certain candidates cannot be elected because of their stands on abortion, taxes, gun control, education, healthcare, etc. The problem is that the main point of this election is being lost in the smoke. This election is not about abortion or taxes, it is about our survival as a nation. What you think about abortion or healthcare will be irrelevant if you are dodging suicide bombers and facing Mecca 5 times a day to pray. Besides, the President of the United States is not a lawmaker. He does not regulate abortion, taxes or healthcare. He is the head of the armed forces and is responsible for keeping the nation in one piece. My advice, for what it is worth, is to determine which candidate will be the best at conducting the armed forces in such a way as to keep the USA a sovereign nation by controlling the borders and killing or otherwise controlling the Terrorists who want to destroy us as a nation. Think about it. Steve

Thursday, February 22, 2007



I always thought I lived in the South. During and before the War Between the States, Arkansas was a southern state. When my dad was a kid, he grew cotton and tobacco on our farm in Arkansas, generally considered commodities grown in the south. When I was a kid, it was HOT in the summers where we lived in Arkansas. Now I find that Arkansas is in the Mid-West and it is no longer very hot here. The winters are cold as the devil and yet we have global warming. What is going on? Speaking of global warming, I lived in Alaska for 16 years, a place that could stand some warming, and it seems that centuries ago, Alaska was sub-tropical, which explains all that oil. When the Vikings migrated to Greenland, the grew grapes and other things that require a warm climate. There are even maps of Antarctica made before it was covered in ice. So maybe this global warming is just a return to normal? Maybe we're still just thawing out after the last ice age. After all, all those melting glaciers were formed during the ice age, a condition that wasn't really normal. Also, the more things heat up, the more water will evaporate and the more rain we'll get, so maybe global warming is the worlds fix for all the desert areas that have been created in the past few centuries.
Speaking of desert, I've got my tux all spiffed up and packed and I'm ready to head for Virginia Beach to the Eppie Awards. Keep your fingers crossed and maybe I'll come home with a trophy. Steve

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Eppie Finalist

My latest non-fiction book, Hypnosis in Healthcare from Whiskey Creek Press, is a finalist in the Eppie Awards. I will be traveling to Virginia Beach next month for the awards ceremony. Cross your fingers for me. I hope to win. This is my second book and it is the second book to be a finalist, the First was Dreams of April Ten, a fiction thriller. I didn't really have any hopes of winning on that one as it was my first novel. I'll let you know how it comes out when I get back. Steve

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