Friday, May 25, 2007
Being Hard is Easy
You would think that writing is easy, and I guess for me it is. After all, you simply have to put words on paper or in my case on the computer screen. The problem for me is that every thing that comes along gives me an excuse not to write. This is Memorial Day week-end, a terrific reason not to write. My brother is coming to visit, we have to put flowers on graves, I'm cleaning out the above ground pool. I would love to do some writing, but I simply have no time. Yesterday I bought the DVD set of the entire Buck Rogers TV series, and now I simply must watch all 38 hours of it, after all I paid for it didn't I? You see how things go, if nothing else, I have to clean up the house before my wife gets home from work. The hardest part of writing is getting myself to do it. Once I start, the words usually flow like water down hill. I have a proposal and the first several chapters of a book on Paranormal Hypnosis that I need to send off to an agent, but I have yet to write the cover letter! Talk about procrastination. It has been weeks since I should have sent that off. I'm also working on a sequel to Dark Moon, a book about the Cajun swamp monster, the Lupe Garou. Dark Moon is coming out next Spring from Mundania Press. Actually it is a combination sequel to Dark Moon and follow-up to Drams of April Ten---a crossover if you will. Speaking of crossover, I've seen several automobiles advertised as Crossover cars. What exactly is that? I've never seen an explanation of what a crossover car is. Is it a vehicle that will run on Gasoline or Diesel fuel? Alcohol or lemonade? I simply don't know. I do know that Congress with the bill they are debating to close the borders and make all illegals legal misses the whole point. It is an immigration bill and what we need is a border security bill. The current bill does not secure the borders. We don't have an immigration problem, we have a problem of no border security. If they would simply build the fence as proposed, and enforce existing laws, the illegals would go home for lack of work and the problems would resolve. That's my theory anyway, for what it's worth which may not be much if anything.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
As an example of how difficult it is to find time for writing (This is Writing Made Hard, afterall) I finally made it back home from New Orleans, way behind on getting the proposal for Hypnosis and ESP, now called Paranormal Hypnosis, ready to send to an agent, only to find that in my absence, the wind had blown my antenna tower (50 feet high) over onto the roof of my house causing quite a bit of damage that I have to get fixed before returning to NEw Orleans this week-end. The damage could cause the the roof to leak when it rains and of course it has been raining steadily much of the time making it difficult to get work done on the roof. Anyway, I have a guy coming out this afternoon to check the roof and give me an estimate and I am leaving on Saturday Morning. Don't know how that will work out. In the mean time I still don't have Paranormal Hypnosis off to the agent, but I do have it ready to print out, finally. I still have to write a cover letter and a proposal, though, and that could take a long time the way I'm going.
In other news, some illegal aliens were arrested trying to buy automatic weapons so they could kill American soldiers in the U.S. So much for the idea that illegals are just Mexican workers trying to make a living doing things we won't do. My solution is simple and makes sense, so probably won't get any traction. I suggest that the first thing to do is close the border so that when illegals are deported, they don't come back illegally. Then deport illegals as they are discovered. You don't have to go out looking for them, but when they are discoverd, they should be deported. Also, make it impossible for them to get jobs here so they will have no reason to keep coming. Finally, (and it should be the last thing done), come up with a guest worker program that people can use to come here legally for work. Those who have come here illegally, should have to return home and apply for the guest worker program. No road to citizenship, no amnesty. Just obey the law. Simple.
In other news, some illegal aliens were arrested trying to buy automatic weapons so they could kill American soldiers in the U.S. So much for the idea that illegals are just Mexican workers trying to make a living doing things we won't do. My solution is simple and makes sense, so probably won't get any traction. I suggest that the first thing to do is close the border so that when illegals are deported, they don't come back illegally. Then deport illegals as they are discovered. You don't have to go out looking for them, but when they are discoverd, they should be deported. Also, make it impossible for them to get jobs here so they will have no reason to keep coming. Finally, (and it should be the last thing done), come up with a guest worker program that people can use to come here legally for work. Those who have come here illegally, should have to return home and apply for the guest worker program. No road to citizenship, no amnesty. Just obey the law. Simple.
As an example of how difficult it is to find time for writing (This is Writing Made Hard, afterall) I finally made it back home from New Orleans, way behind on getting the proposal for Hypnosis and ESP, now called Paranormal Hypnosis, ready to send to an agent, only to find that in my absence, the wind had blown my antenna tower (50 feet high) over onto the roof of my house causing quite a bit of damage that I have to get fixed before returning to NEw Orleans this week-end. The damage could cause the the roof to leak when it rains and of course it has been raining steadily much of the time making it difficult to get work done on the roof. Anyway, I have a guy coming out this afternoon to check the roof and give me an estimate and I am leaving on Saturday Morning. Don't know how that will work out. In the mean time I still don't have Paranormal Hypnosis off to the agent, but I do have it ready to print out, finally. I still have to write a cover letter and a proposal, though, and that could take a long time the way I'm going.
In other news, some illegal aliens were arrested trying to buy automatic weapons so they could kill American soldiers in the U.S. So much for the idea that illegals are just Mexican workers trying to make a living doing things we won't do. My solution is simple and makes sense, so probably won't get any traction. I suggest that the first thing to do is close the border so that when illegals are deported, they don't come back illegally. Then deport illegals as they are discovered. You don't have to go out looking for them, but when they are discoverd, they should be deported. Also, make it impossible for them to get jobs here so they will have no reason to keep coming. Finally, (and it should be the last thing done), come up with a guest worker program that people can use to come here legally for work. Those who have come here illegally, should have to return home and apply for the guest worker program. No road to citizenship, no amnesty. Just obey the law. Simple.
In other news, some illegal aliens were arrested trying to buy automatic weapons so they could kill American soldiers in the U.S. So much for the idea that illegals are just Mexican workers trying to make a living doing things we won't do. My solution is simple and makes sense, so probably won't get any traction. I suggest that the first thing to do is close the border so that when illegals are deported, they don't come back illegally. Then deport illegals as they are discovered. You don't have to go out looking for them, but when they are discoverd, they should be deported. Also, make it impossible for them to get jobs here so they will have no reason to keep coming. Finally, (and it should be the last thing done), come up with a guest worker program that people can use to come here legally for work. Those who have come here illegally, should have to return home and apply for the guest worker program. No road to citizenship, no amnesty. Just obey the law. Simple.