Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Just to make things a little harder
Just to make things a little harder, the gods have decided to take down my internet connection. Things are always hard when it comes to writing, but when you write on a computer, you get used to always having an online dictionary handy and other things. Also you communicate with your editor and publisher via email and when you collaborate on a book with a writer in Canada, you use the internet a lot. I have satellite internet and for some reason, it has decided not to work with my router, so I have to go into the only room in the house that has a wired connection to the internet to use it, also I have to convince my computer that it can communicate with the intgernet via wired connection, and I always forget how to do that. Guess I'll have to get a repair man out again, and he is 30 miles away and charges a fortune to make a house call. Contrary to popular belief it is just hard to be a writer. Steve
Friday, August 07, 2009
Epic Contest
Well, I'vedone it. Yes, I'm entered in this year's Epic Awards Contst, formerly called the Epies. That name has been dropped because of a perceived conflict with another name. So the contest will have new name this year, but no matter whatit is called, The Last Guardian is entered as a work of science fiction. Cross your fingers for me. Every book of mine that has been entered so far has been a finalist. This year I hope to break that trend by being a winner, but I'll probably break it by not being among the finalists. There are some fine novels entered. Two by last years winner, Darrell Bain.