Wednesday, December 21, 2011
November has come and gone!
Well, November has come and gone without Dark Moon being published, my co-writer, Beverley Bateman was skeptical that it would be printed in November in spite of the publisher's encouragement. Perhaps it will be published this month, but it is not on the schedule yet. My fingers are crossed that it will be published soon. Steve
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Latest Winner!
The Latest winner of my book giveway is Jeff Spaulding of Arizona. He put his name in the hat for a paper copy of one of my book, Dreams of April Ten. You could be the next winner. Just ask, it costs you nothing, even the shipping is free. The email addy to submit to is : Nothing to it. Steve
Christmas Time
Well, it is nearly Christmas time and I have yet to blog regularly even though that was my intent. I think the hardests thing for writers to do is to actually write. I still haven't finished my new book either, and it should have been done a year or so ago. It is a non-fiction work on paranormal hypnosis. I hope it does well. A lot of people are getting ebook readers so maybe that will translate into new sales. Also, my latest work, Dark Moon, from Mundania Press is still not out yet, although I keep hearing promisess it was written with Canadian writer Beverley Batemann before Katrina struck New Orleans and much of the story takes place in that city. My wife wants me to eat lunch so I guess I'll go for now. Remember to submit your name and address to my book give-away. Just let me know whether you want an ebook or paper book and you could win one. Send me an email saying what you want and I'll pick a name out of the hat and giveaway a book each month. Steve