Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Farewell, Jimmy

I met James Doohan twice. I found him delightful. That and having grown up with him on my TV makes me miss him as I would a friend. James Doohan (Scotty) died at 5:30 a.m. at his Redmond, Wash., homewith his wife of 28 years, Wende, at his side, Los Angeles agent and long time friend Steve Stevens said. The cause of death was pneumoniaand Alzheimer's disease, he said. I still miss DeForest Kelley, Bones, who was the first of the original Enterprise Crew to depart for destinations unknown. I hope they both fare well.
I didn't exactly "meet" James Doohan, but I (once) attended a Star Trek convention in Atlanta, where he got top billing. Somewhere, I have one of those autographed glossy pictures that I stood in line to get, and now it is probably worth something. I need to dig through my junk and frame it.

He made a wonderful speech, gravitating between nostalgia and energetic appreciation for all the fans who had gathered to hear him. As he spoke, he recalled Gene Roddenberry, who had just died, and as I think of Doohan's remarks, there is a certain irony there.

BTW, I've enjoyed reading your blog, but I chose to comment here, because I thought Doohan was a wonderful actor, and I fell in love with science fiction as a wide-eyed child watching Star Trek.
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