Saturday, August 20, 2005
Twice as hard
It seems that I'm always making writing hard for myself, and now I seem to be making it twice as hard. I started writing Blood Moon a couple of months ago (I'm very slow), a horror novel that I may be writing with Beverley Bateman since it is a sequel to Dark Moon that I wrote with her, but now for some reason, I've started writing a book on hypnosis and ESP. Not just anyone's hypnosis or ESP but how the reader can use hypnosis to better understand and enhance ESP in himself and others. Which one will I finish first? Will I ever finish either one? Who knows. I'm giving it a shot. Steve
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Writing is Hard

As the title of this blog implies, writing is hard for me and I tend to make it even harder by not working at it as I should. It seems I will do anything to get out of working, but even so, I seem to get something done occasionally. I have a new book coming in November from New Age Dimensions Publishing and just received the cover. I really like it and thought I'd pass it along. Steve
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Home Again, Home Again Lickity Split
I'm still in Dallas, but I'm going home tomorrow. Haven't got much done on my new book, some but not much. That's the main reason writing is hard for me. It seems that most of the time I'll do anything to keep from writing. IF I can't think of anything else I need to do, I'll take a nap. However, there are also the times when I write chapter after chapter at a sitting. I like those times. I think they tend to come when I know where I'm going and how to get there, the other times come when I'm stumbling about trying to get a handle on the story. It usually works itself out in my subconsious while I'm doing other things, or nothing, and then once it is all worked out, I can sit down and write it without much trouble. Now is not one of those times. I have a pretty good idea of where I'm going, but not a very good idea of how to get there. It'll come. Steve
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Back in the Saddle again.
To quote the theme song of the old Gene Autry TV show, I'm "back in the saddle again." Back in Dallas, that is, visiting my daughter and hoping to get some work done on my new novel, Blood Moon. It is a sequel to both Dark Moon which is unpublished and Dreams of April Ten which is available at and or you can get an autographed copy by emailing me at . Anyway, it takes place a little in the future, I guess, in New Orleans which is under quarantine. No one is allowed in or out of the Big Easy and no communications are allowed between it and the outside world. It has been that way since an outbreak of some disease 20 years before that caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of citizens. An industrialist, actually a pharmaceutical manufacturer, hires the people at AnswerMan to get his niece who is immune to the illness out of New Orleans. On the surface, that is what is going on, but underneath, it is much more complex. The industrialist has no niece, no one is immune, and the city is over-run with shap-shifting creatures called the Loup Garou! Why does the industrialist really want the girl out of the city? Can the folks at AnswerMan do the job? Where did all those creatures come from? If the girl is infected, will getting her out place the entire world population at risk? And what does all this have to do with Joshua Jones, a 20-year old man who escaped New Orleans just before the place was tied up tighter than a football player's pants? Those are the questions I'm trying to answer, but the more answers I come up with the more questions arise. That is what makes writing hard, I guess.