Saturday, August 06, 2005


Home Again, Home Again Lickity Split

I'm still in Dallas, but I'm going home tomorrow. Haven't got much done on my new book, some but not much. That's the main reason writing is hard for me. It seems that most of the time I'll do anything to keep from writing. IF I can't think of anything else I need to do, I'll take a nap. However, there are also the times when I write chapter after chapter at a sitting. I like those times. I think they tend to come when I know where I'm going and how to get there, the other times come when I'm stumbling about trying to get a handle on the story. It usually works itself out in my subconsious while I'm doing other things, or nothing, and then once it is all worked out, I can sit down and write it without much trouble. Now is not one of those times. I have a pretty good idea of where I'm going, but not a very good idea of how to get there. It'll come. Steve
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