Thursday, July 13, 2006


Hypnosis Book Available Now

Just a quick post to let everyone know that my new hypnosis book, Hypnosis In Healthcare, is available now in both ebook and print from the publisher at or you can get an autographed copy of the print book at my website, . I have more than 30 years experience in hypnotherapy and family practice, and 50 years experience with hypnosis, so I think there'll be something in this book for just about anyone with an interest in hypnosis or healthcare. It also has a foreword by Steven LaVelle, the formost hypnotherapy instructor/researcher in the the country. Check it out if you have any interest.

Back to Horror and Science Fiction/Fantasy, I have two books coming out next year from Mundania Press. One is the long awaited Last Guardian, a rip-roaring scifi/fantasy adventure in the tradition of the old movie serials with a cliff-hanger every few pages and a lot of humor. The other is Dark Moon, written with Canadian thriller author, Beverley Bateman. It is a dark story of the Loup Garou. If you like chills, you'll love Dark Moon. Steve
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