Friday, December 15, 2006


I Finaled in the Eppie Awards Contest

For those of you who do not already know this, my book Hypnosis in Healthcare is a finalist in the General Non-fiction category of the Eppie Awards. The Eppies are given out once per year by a writer's and publisher's organization called EPIC. The awards will be presented at a ceremony in Virginia Beach in March. I plan to be there but fully expect someone else to win. There are some exceedingly excellent finalists. However I am very proud that both of my books have finaled. I previously finaled in a fiction category (Suspense/Thriller) for Dreams of April Ten, my first book published by Whiskey Creek Press. I'm currently working on a follow-up book to Hypnosis in Healthcare about using Hypnosis to explore ESP. I'm also working on a book that includes some of the characters from both Dreams of April Ten and Dark Moon. Dark Moon was written with Canadian author Beverley Bateman and will be published in January, 2008 by Mundania Press, as well my science fiction/fantasy novel, The Last Guardian. So, as they say in The Thing, (original version) keep watching the skys--you may see something by me fly by. Also remember you can email me at and make arrangements to receive an autographed copy of either Dreams of April Ten and/or Hypnosis in Healthcare, or you can purchase them as ebooks from the publisher, or or as paperbacks at See you next time. Steve
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