Saturday, October 06, 2007
The Last Guardian Cover is up at Mundania!

There is a lot of news since my last post. The most recent is that Mundania Press has posted the cover for my book The Last Guardian. The book isn't due for release until January but you can see the cover now. I don't know if that means it is available for pre-order or not, though. Also, since my last posting, my brother, Jim, has had a double bypass. He was vacationing in Virginia Beach when he started feeling ill and went to the hospital where they discovered his need for open heart surgery. JIm was a major help in writing Dark Moon, a horror novel about the legendary creature, Loup Garou in New Orleans. It is due out in April from Mundania Press. Anyway, Jim helped with the scientific aspectes of Dark Moon. He used to run Argonne National Laboratory and helped me with the physics of Dark Moon. He is doing very well now, but I went to visit after the surgery and that was a difficult trip. I'm still way behind on my writing for Paranormal Hypnosis but will try to post an excerpt soon.
The scene depicted on the cover of The Last Guardian is at the end of an air battle between tall ships filled with lighter than air gas. One of the ships explodes and the burning debris falls onto the other ship causing a double conflagration. I like the cover. Hope the book sells. It is a humorous scifi/fantasy/adventure with cliff-hangers every few pages. The reason it took so many years to write is that I didn't want to have cliff-hangers that the reader could figure a way out I wrote them so that I couldn't figure a way out. It took months, sometimes longer, just to figure out how to get the main characters out of the fixes they got themselves into.
TTFN, Steve
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That's a great cover, Steve!
And you're one busy guy.
Congrats on your Author Spotlight.
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And you're one busy guy.
Congrats on your Author Spotlight.
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